Vote Now in MoonDAO's Election!

MoonDAO Updates

Executive Election Now Live

🚀 Second Executive Branch Leader Election is Live 🚀

Our three candidates are:

  • @ryand2d
  • @Mitchie
  • @ManuelOlariu

The vote opened last Friday for a period of 10 days, use your staked $vMOONEY to rank the three candidates in order of preference. 🥇 🥈 🥉

Relevant Links

Be sure to cast your votes by August 20th!

Town Hall Recap

You can join online every Thursday at 3pm Eastern time in
​​MoonDAO's Discord. 👉 Set a reminder and join us!

Last week's Town Hall saw the presentation of the new Citizens & Teams Q3 proposal by Pablo which is now currently up for a vote (more on this proposal in a minute), but the majority of the event was focused on the live Q&A where each candidate for the executive branch answered questions posed by the community and offered their perspectives on the direction MoonDAO is going and where they want to take it in the future.


Citizens & Teams Vote

In addition to the Second Executive Branch Leader Election mentioned above (MDP-149), please don't forget to also vote on MDP-148: Citizens and Teams Q3. There are only about 24 hours left to vote on this proposal. This project is a continuation of the work that was done on Citizens and Teams in Q1 and Q2 of 2024. Citizens and Teams are the foundation of the DAO network we're building, coordinated by our governance and incentives.

MoonDAO Treasury Stats

Our treasury is governed by the community. Become a MoonDAO member to help shape our future.

​$836,048.73 USD in ETH​

​MOONEY/USD 0.0002713​


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MoonDAO is accelerating our multiplanetary future with an open platform to fund, collaborate, and compete on challenges that get us closer to a lunar settlement.

Bite-Sized Space News

New SpaceX Human Mission

SpaceX announced the first-ever human spaceflight over Earth's poles, set to launch later this year with the "Fram2" mission. Led by Chinese-born cryptocurrency entrepreneur Chun Wang, the mission will feature a polar explorer, a roboticist, and a filmmaker as crew members. The mission, named after the Norwegian research ship Fram, will fly over the north and south poles, taking advantage of maximum lighting near Antarctica's summer solstice.

The Crew Dragon Endurance spacecraft, equipped with a cupola for photography, will be used for the mission. Wang, who became a billionaire through Bitcoin mining, has long been interested in space and purchased the mission from SpaceX, marking the third free-flying mission aboard Crew Dragon. Wang's inspiration for Fram2 was drawn from previous private space missions, and the mission reflects his passion for cold regions and exploration.

Axiom-4 Mission Delay

Axiom Space's Ax-4 mission to the International Space Station (ISS) has been delayed until spring 2025 due to interagency approval processes. Originally scheduled for launch no earlier than October 2024, the mission's crew members are awaiting approval from the Multilateral Crew Operations Panel, which oversees all astronaut visits to the ISS. The Ax-4 mission, led by former NASA astronaut Peggy Whitson, will be Axiom's fourth private mission to the ISS and includes a diverse crew from India, Poland, and Hungary.

Upcoming Launches

  • Roscosmos Soyuz 2.1a | Progress MS-28on Wed Aug 14, 2024 10:20 PM GMT-5 from Site 31/6, Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan​
  • SpaceX Falcon 9 Block 5 | WorldView Legion 3 & 4 on Thu Aug 15, 2024 8:00 AM GMT-5 from SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA
  • ISRO SSLV | EOS-08 and Space Rickshaw-0 on Thu Aug 15, 2024 10:47 PM GMT-5 from First Launch Pad, Satish Dhawan Space Centre, India

🥳 Only 2297 days until our New Year's Party on the Moon! 🥳

And here's how many people you've invited to join the party: [RH_TOTREF GOES HERE]!

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Mooney and vMooney are strictly governance tokens and there is no expectation of profit. Nothing in these emails constitutes financial advice, always do your own research and independently assess the risks of any digital assets.

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