MoonDAO's Got a New Look!

We've been hard at work to streamline and simplify the user experience within MoonDAO as we prepare to roll out some even bigger and better features in the coming weeks...

In the meantime, we just published some pretty significant changes to the homepage, merging the old landing page and Mission Control App into one united website and giving it a major overhaul and makeover in the process.

The new site is much more polished with an integrated homepage that invites the user to explore everything that MoonDAO has to offer. Give it a look and let us know what you think! Be sure to click around through the Info, Governance, and Marketplace sections for additional content. We also gave the newsletter design a little revamp to match the new look!

Town Hall Recap

You can join online every Thursday at 3pm Eastern time in
​MoonDAO's Discord. 👉 Set a reminder and join us!

During last week's Town Hall, we kicked things off with a brief presentation by our founder and elected astronaut, Pablo, with an overview of the MoonDAO Projects System and how it all works. If you're still wondering how you can participate in MoonDAO and help us build the future of space exploration together, then be sure to give this brief presentation a listen.

Following Pablo's talk, we proceeded with roundtable updates from all of the ongoing projects, including an initial update from our new internship project. We are still gathering applications from interested undergraduates and will likely be selecting interns for the first week of July. Apply here!

Project teams are hard at work trying to wrap up deliverables before the end of the quarter on June 30th. As a reminder, MoonDAO holds a community-wide retroactive giving circle with Coordinape where any and all contributions and deliverables are eligible to be submitted for evaluation by MoonDAO's project leaders. Those submissions are eligible to receive ETH and vMOONEY based on those evaluations. If you've contributed to MoonDAO outside of an existing project, be sure to submit your contributions in the proper Discord channel. Feel free to inquire in Discord if you need help or guidance.

New Member Spotlight

Have you shared your story in the introductions channel?

KO writes: "Hello everyone. My experience is in both the healthcare and now fitness + nutrition. Nothing related to space 😅 I found out about this through YouTube and posts on X, but just now decided to join. I’ve always been a huge fan and student when it comes to space and space exploration. I’d like to learn more and that’s really why I’m here. Who knows maybe one day we can all enjoy space together"

Let’s give a friendly MoonDAO welcome as they join our community!

Dr. Eiman Local News Feature

Dr. Eiman, our second astronaut set to fly aboard a future Blue Origin flight, had a prominent feature interview on Nashville's WKRN news, highlighting his roots in the community and prominently featuring MoonDAO throughout the three-minute piece. Eiman's story of perseverance and drive over all these years to go to space should serve as a message to all of us with similar aspirations!

MoonDAO Treasury Stats

Our treasury is governed by the community. Become a MoonDAO member to help shape our future.

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Bite-Sized Space News

Death of Bill Anders

Last week, Apollo 8 astronaut Bill Anders died of injuries as a result of a plane crash (which he was piloting with no passengers) in the San Juan Islands of Washington State. Anders' death was classified as an accident, after crashing into the water under unknown circumstances, although he appeared to be performing low altitude acrobatic maneuvers in his Beechcraft T-34.

Bill took the iconic "Earthrise" photo during the Apollo 8 mission, which was the first crewed launched around the Moon. He was 90 years old at the time of the crash. Only six of the Apollo astronauts remain alive now.

Armenia Joins Artemis

Armenia became the tenth country this year to sign the Artemis Accords, joining a growing coalition of nations committed to safe and responsible space exploration. The signing ceremony took place at NASA Headquarters with Armenia's minister of high-tech industry, Mkhitar Hayrapetyan, and NASA Administrator Bill Nelson in attendance. The Accords, introduced in 2020, outline best practices for space activities based on international treaties and agreements.

The increasing interest in the Artemis Accords is highlighted by the addition of 10 new signatories this year, totaling 43 countries, with U.S. officials noting a rising curiosity among nations. This interest contrasts with the China-led International Lunar Research Station (ILRS), which Serbia recently joined as the 11th member. While no nation has joined both the Artemis Accords and ILRS, there are no formal barriers to dual participation.

Upcoming Launches

  • SpaceX Falcon 9 Block 5 | Astra 1P/SES-24 on Tue Jun 18, 2024 4:35 PM GMT-5 from SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA
  • SpaceX Falcon 9 Block 5 | Starlink Group 9-1 on Tue Jun 18, 2024 10:00 PM GMT-5from SLC-4E, Vandenberg SFB, California, USA
  • Rocket Lab Electron/Curie | No Time Toulouse on Thu Jun 20, 2024 1:13 PM GMT-5 from Rocket Lab LC-1B, Māhia Peninsula, New Zealand | Documentation | Governance

Mooney and vMooney are strictly governance tokens and there is no expectation of profit. Nothing in these emails constitutes financial advice, always do your own research and independently assess the risks of any digital assets.

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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